Cartomancy Anthology: Team Hermit
Role: Coding and 3D Modeling
Platform: Unity / PC
Role: Main Programmer and 3D Modeling
[Steam Page]
Role: Coding and 3D Modeling
Platform: Unity / PC
Role: Main Programmer and 3D Modeling
[Steam Page]
The Cartomancy Anthology was a project where a group of dev teams each made a game based around a tarot card, and ours was the Hermit. The result was a somber little story-driven point-and-click taking place across a chain of old 'photographs'.
I did most of the core programming, setting up tools and mechanics to allow GJ Lee and Brian Chung to build the story they had in mind. I also modeled and set up the 3d space the game took place in, and handled the shaders, masks, etc. to contain their setups within the photos.

Leaf shifting heck

Table lighting test

Breakables test

Highlight shader