Cats and Curiosity is a small, creepy puzzle game about a kitten in a haunted house. In addition to left/right movement, the player must also rotate the house to help them navigate the maze to find all of the candles. 
This game was done for a small game jam- the 2018 Scream Jam- and I made it alongside a small group. I was responsible for the programming and some of the art- mostly the cat itself and the candles. Our hard work paid off in the end, and we took 2nd place!

The game is actually tile based, believe it or not. this prevents some odd bugs involving collisions and helps prevent issues with the animations.

The cat itself is probably one of my favorite characters that I've made to date. The hop animation was done a few weeks before the project during some down time- and with a bit of tweaking, it worked well for this game. 
Proper credit for the rest of the group is given on the page.
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