Unreleased Cave Project

Menu mockup. The 'main menu' was intended to be largely Diagetic with a map for level select and a journal for a 'menu'.
Menu mockup. The 'main menu' was intended to be largely Diagetic with a map for level select and a journal for a 'menu'.
Unreleased Cave Project
Company: Akupara Games
Platform: ---
Engine: Unity
Release: ----- 
Official Role: Level and Game Design, Creative Director
Additional: Programming
This was an unreleased project spanning summer 2022 into fall of 2023. 
I was responsible for a lot on this project. Full level planning was done alongside another designer, but story work and major plot points were largely my own. I ended up doing full 3d block outs for each level, including detailed planning revisions where needed, and then worked to get things in and working. Large amounts of the functional code ended up on my plate, too. As Creative director, I also spent a good amount of time on helping with tasking for the team, checking in on progress, and feedback cycles as things came in. 

On the bright side, much of that code work and experience was carried over to HCW;  Things like door tween scripts, editor tooling and generic puzzle sequencing were put to good use.
Paint bowl material test
Paint bowl material test
Alchemy shader system
Alchemy shader system
Rune use
Rune use
Heart of the tree
Heart of the tree
Temple door
Temple door
Rune bowl
Rune bowl
Wrecked tent
Wrecked tent

Early 2d puzzle prototype with temporary art.

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