An animation about frustrations with technology, because sometimes hitting it really hard does help!
This was initially focused on learning how to model and animate facial expressions, but it became more than that when it came time to use the rig and frame the animation!
Overall, it may not my most... animated animation, since most of it is very mechanical, and I would have liked to make some adjustments to the rig. In fact, I'd love to re-rig the whole thing for real, I'd like to add hands, and I'd like to make the hair not a chunk of plastic- but unfortunately, I don't have two months free to spend playing with it. That being said, I'm ecstatic that it came out so well!
Concept sketches. My main inspiration came largely from Magic The Gathering- Kalidesh, specifically. The initial design was supposed to be more faeries and flowers, but that got tossed in favor of pipes and tubes to match the legs.
A play blast to check animations.
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